Your story matters—and we're here for every step of your writing journey.
Good Story Company is dedicated to helping all writers unlock their potential. Your best story is waiting. Let’s take the next step together.
What are you writing?

Your story matters, and we're here to help you get it out into the world.
We create resources for and work directly with writers of all skill levels, writing in all genres, and addressing all categories, at every stage of the writing process. Looking for an editor? A small group intensive workshop? Craft-focused webinars? Industry speakers for your next event? We do all of that and more. If you're ready to take the next step—or the first step—in your writing journey, we're here for you.
Good Story Company was founded by publishing industry veteran and former literary agent, Mary Kole, in 2019 as an umbrella for our brands:
Editorial Services:
Mary Kole Editorial | Good Story Editing
Resources About Writing and Publishing:
Kidlit Blog | GSC Blog | Thriving Writers Podcast | Substack
Good Story YouTube Channel
Small Group Writing Workshop:
Story Mastermind
Membership Writing Community:
Thriving Writers
Webinars and Classes:
Good Story Workshops
Ghostwriting and Ghost Revision:
Manuscript Studio
Intellectual Property Development:
Bittersweet Books
Marketing Services:
Good Story Marketing