Book Promotion Tips

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

As a writer, you put a lot of work into completing your book and getting your book published, but your hard work isn’t done yet. Now it’s time to do book promotion. Getting your book into the hands of readers is no easy feat, but with some dedication, creativity, and a lot of hard work, it can be done … and done well. In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive guide to book promotion and offer insights into what platforms to use for book marketing and what strategies work for book promotion.

Book Promotion Tips: Define Your Audience

Before you start spreading the word about your book, it's important to identify your target audience. Think about who will enjoy your book, your genre, and the demographic that your book is geared towards. Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, designing a book promotion strategy becomes significantly easier.

book promotion

Book Promotion Tips: Develop a Marketing Plan

After defining your audience, it's time to develop a book marketing plan. This means that you need to create a clear roadmap with a plan of action for promoting your book. This can include reaching out to influential book bloggers, offering free copies to potential reviewers (this can be done after publication, or before publication, with advance copies), conducting paid advertising, and utilizing social media channels to reach your readers.

Using social media for writers can be a powerful way to do book promotion. Utilize platforms such as Twitter/X, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok to get the word out about your book in a way that’s easy for potential readers to find and engage with. These networks offer a massive audience that can be reached for minimal cost. Be sure to create a dedicated author page and regularly release snippets on social media such as review quotes, excerpts, and trailers for your book. Utilize hashtags to increase your visibility. Taking advantage of platforms such as Google Ads, Meta Ads, or Amazon Ads can help you reach a wider audience than ever before—and put your book in front of people who may never have otherwise found it.

Take time to research what kind of content resonates with readers in order for you create posts that will attract attention—and ultimately drive book sales.

Book Promotion Tips: Networking

Networking is the lifeblood of the publishing industry. Before you are likely to reach readers at large, you will be able to tap your personal and professional network. Book promotion starts with reaching out to other writers, especially those in your category or genre. Join relevant Facebook groups, online writing communities and attend book festivals and writer’s conferences. Check out local writing groups and offer to do an author talk. Think about unconventional locations for presentations to reach new audiences and sell books directly to readers. Make sure to partner with a local independent bookstore that will be willing to order and sell books for you at any event you run.

Book Promotion Tips: Utilize Book Promotion Services

Finally, consider using book promotion services. These are companies, like BookBub, that specialize in book promotion. They can offer a range of services to increase exposure and sales, including listing your book on their website, conducting social media campaigns, submitting your book for review, and even arranging for your book to be featured in prominent local or regional media websites. It's important to conduct research to find reputable book promotion companies to avoid wasting money (unfortunately, there are a lot of publishing scams out there, especially in the book marketing and promotion fields).

Promoting your book is a daunting task, but one that is necessary to ensure its success. A combination of creativity, diligence, and hard work is needed to ensure a successful book promotion campaign. By targeting the correct audience, creating a solid marketing plan, utilizing social media platforms, networking to build communities, and utilizing book promotion services, you can not only sell your published book, but connect with your readers and build your followers and email newsletter list. Remember to persevere as success doesn't happen overnight, but with a consistent and delicate process, book discussions about the story you've created will eventually continue to surface on dinner tables, platforms, and communities.

Customized Book Marketing Solutions

Marketing services for writers are essential if you’re looking to reach audiences and stand out on shelves. Whether you’re looking to build your platform ahead of publication or already have a book out, we can help with marketing strategy and even do the heavy lifting. Reach more readers, build an audience, and increase your visibility. Good Story Marketing plans and services can help you achieve your goals and tell your story to the world!