How to craft a good story

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

Plot Development in a Good Story

A good plot is essential for any good story. A strong plot should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. This helps keep readers engaged from start to finish, as they get caught up in trying to figure out what will happen next! Be sure not to give away too much too soon—part of crafting an engaging plot is leaving enough room for surprise so that each page turn brings something new to the reader’s experience. 

Conflict and Resolution When You Craft a Good Story

At the heart of every good story is the cycle of conflict and resolution. Conflict keeps readers engaged by making them wonder how it will be resolved in the end. Be sure to consider how each character arc contributes to the overall conflict resolution so that all loose ends are tied up neatly by the time you reach your conclusion. When done right, this can leave readers feeling satisfied yet wanting more.  

Crafting a good story requires skill, practice, and patience—but when done correctly can result in something truly special. Characters must be developed carefully so that readers want to follow them through their journey; at the same time, a well-crafted plot should provide plenty of twists and turns without giving away too much too soon. Finally, all stories need conflict resolution so that everything comes together nicely at the end. With these tips in mind, you can craft a good story that will keep your audience coming back for more.

Crafting a good story is not as easy as it may seem. It takes time, effort, and practice to create something that will keep your audience engaged and eager for more. From character development to plot development and more, there are several elements that go into creating the perfect story. Below we will discuss some of the most important components of a good story.

  1. Character development

  2. Plot development

  3. Conflict and resolution

Character Development in a Good Story

A good story includes well-developed, believable characters. The reader should be able to relate to them on some level or else they won’t be invested in the story. Think about how you can make your characters unique but still relatable; this is key for developing an interesting plot line and engaging readers in your story.  

how to craft a good story

Everything you need to craft a good story

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