How to Sell a Book You’ve Published
by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.
If you’ve completed a publishing project and are now wondering how to sell a book, this is the guide for you. Book marketing can be daunting, but there are plenty of methods that authors can use to market their books in an effort to maximize sales. Let’s look at some of the best strategies for how to sell a book.
How to Sell a Book: Book Promotion Platforms
Many authors choose to use book promotion platforms such as Amazon or Goodreads to market their work. These platforms allow writers to create their author biography and garner book reviews, as well as promote books through ads and other promotional campaigns. Authors can also make use of social media sites like Twitter/X, Instagram, and Facebook to reach potential readers. Social media for writers is great for connecting with fans and building relationships with readers over time.
Paid promotion sites like BookBub and paid advertising on Facebook and Amazon can also yield sales, but you have to consider the ROI (return on investment) for your advertising costs. Additionally, many authors consider participating in virtual events like webinars or online book clubs as great ways to increase visibility. All of these tools are helpful in your quest of how to sell a book.
How to Sell a Book: Networking
Networking is another key strategy when it comes to how to sell a book. By attending writing conferences and other industry events, authors can connect with publishers and literary agents who may be interested in representing their work. Authors can also join organizations like the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) or the International Thriller Writers (ITW), which are great resources for meeting other writers who can provide advice on how to sell your book effectively. A wide network of friends and peers will help you when it comes time to learn how to sell a book, though you will eventually need to grow your marketing target to include strangers, or you will reach the end of your personal contacts and sales might dwindle.
How to Sell a Book: Public Speaking Engagements
Public speaking engagements are a great way for authors to get the word out about their work and build credibility as an expert in their field as they learn how to sell a book. Authors should consider approaching schools, libraries, writing groups, churches, or any other community organization that might be interested in hosting a reading or lecture from an author about their work. Public speaking engagements give authors an opportunity not only to promote your book but also gain valuable insights from potential readers that you can use moving forward.
Selling your book doesn't have to be an intimidating process if you take advantage of all the available tools out there! From using various available paid and free platforms for marketing purposes or joining organizations such as AWP or ITW for networking opportunities, there are plenty of options when it comes to promoting your work successfully. Furthermore, public speaking engagements are a great way for authors to build credibility while simultaneously marketing your book! So don’t be afraid—take advantage of all these opportunities and learn how to sell a book and get your writing out into the world.

Customized Book Marketing Solutions
Marketing services for writers are essential if you’re looking to reach audiences and stand out on shelves. Whether you’re looking to build your platform ahead of publication or already have a book out, we can help with marketing strategy and even do the heavy lifting. Reach more readers, build an audience, and increase your visibility. Good Story Marketing plans and services can help you achieve your goals and tell your story to the world!