Writing Irresistible Picture Books Workbook: Guidance, checklists, worksheets, and reading lists to go from theory to practice
by Mary Kole
available NOW
Put pen to paper and make your picture book dreams a reality.
Writing a picture book is not as easy as jotting down 600 words full of cutesy language and calling it a day. Today’s picture books are much more than moral stories—and with such a short word count, you can’t waste a single syllable! If you want to be competitive in this red-hot kidlit market, look no further …
Straight from a publishing insider, this comprehensive workbook is crammed with craft advice and groundbreaking original research. It repackages its companion, Writing Irresistible Picture Books, into a robust interactive format so you can put theory into practice on your idea.
You can confidently internalize and write character, theme, plot, conflict, voice and structure for young readers. You will get answers to the most common questions about picture book revision, illustrations, submission strategies, query letters, and more from an industry insider and former literary agent at one of the top children’s book agencies in the nation.
If you’re looking to get your work traditionally published, the Writing Irresistible Picture Books Workbook is the resource for you. It’s everything you need to get your ideas out of your head and onto the page.

about mary kole
Former literary agent Mary Kole is the author of Writing Irresistible Kidlit, a freelance editor, and an IP developer with over a decade of publishing industry experience.
Praise for Writing Irresistible Picture Books
“Mary Kole has created an irresistible resource for picture book writers. There is more information in this text than I have gleaned from years of attending workshops, conferences and courses. This is a must have reference book.”
“It is insightful, invaluable, and incredibly thorough! It’s a must-have for anyone who aspires to write picture books and a great resource for those who are looking to hone their craft. I’ve already sent the link to writers I know!”
“Highly recommend for any aspiring picture book writer. Mary dives into critical details needed for a successful story in today’s PB market, from idea to submission.”
“Whether writing a picture book is on your ‘someday I’d love to’ list, or you’re deep in the ‘messy middle’ with your idea (me!), or you’re proudly stroking your first (second, third) completed manuscript... take a pause, pull up a chair, and inhale this book. This is an invaluable addition to any picture book writer’s reference shelf.”