Romantic Comedy Tropes: A Guide for Writers

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

Don’t discard romantic comedy tropes just because you worry they’re familiar to most readers. If you’re a writer looking for some inspiration when crafting your next romantic comedy project, look no further. Tropes are a great way to get ideas for fun and quirky plotlines that will keep readers interested and engaged. Here, we’ll explore some of the most popular romantic comedy book tropes to help spark your creativity.

Romantic Comedy Tropes: The Quirky Protagonist Who Needs to “Grow Up”

Romantic comedy tropes tend to center around characters and their relationships, because these elements are central to romantic comedies. This one is all about an immature protagonist who is forced to grow up and realize that life isn’t as carefree and stake-less as they originally thought it was. Maybe they have been challenged in their personal or professional lives, or they are facing a big failure they never saw coming. Or, if they’ve had a casual or cavalier attitude about things like love, they might realize that they want more out of life than what they’ve gotten so far.  

In this type of story, the protagonist often starts out as a bit of a mess—from having an irresponsible attitude towards money, being too focused on partying or short-term relationships, or having trouble holding themselves accountable at work and in relationships. But by the end of the story, they have learned important life lessons and changed their ways enough to make positive changes in their life. Their romantic partner is key to this transformation in these types of romantic comedy tropes—even if the protagonist tries to rebuff them at every turn.

romantic comedy tropes

Romantic Comedy Tropes: The Will They/Won't They

Ah yes, the classic will they/won't they story tension! This is probably one of the most popular romantic comedy tropes, and is all about two characters who have feelings for each other but never quite seem to get together or feel the same way about one another — until they finally do. Standing in their way are countless obstacles. This is the classic Ross and Rachel. 

This trope can be used to create suspenseful moments while also developing meaningful relationships between characters and figuring out what’s preventing each of the characters in the potential couple from giving themselves fully over into love.

Romantic Comedy Tropes: The Meet Cute

The meet cute trope is one of the most popular romantic comedy tropes because it's so fun and lighthearted. It really defines the category of the rom com. It typically involves two characters meeting for the first time in an adorable or unexpected way—like bumping into each other in a crowded street or literally running into each other at an arts and crafts class that neither was supposed to attend. This moment usually leads to some endearing banter between them that sets up how their relationship will progress throughout the rest of the book.

Other popular romantic comedy tropes include: Forced Proximity, Destiny, Childhood Sweethearts, Forbidden Love, Impossible Love, and Second Chance Love. 

Whether you're writing a traditional love story or something more unconventional and comedic, exploring various romantic comedy tropes can be helpful when coming up with ideas for your novel. The best part is that there are so many different romantic comedy tropes out there, so you're sure to find something that fits your story perfectly. 

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