Why is Character Important: Choosing Your Main Character

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

Why is character important? We’re so glad you’re asking, because this is a crucial question for any fiction writer. The protagonist will act as the reader’s lens on the story—the person that experiences everything your novel has to offer. When picking a main character for a story, some writers already have the perfect protagonist in mind. For those who don't, however, making the choice can be a challenge. Do you have a big cast of characters? Multiple points of view? A group of characters too close-knit to pick one out? If you are struggling with figuring out why is character important, this article is for you.

Why Is Character Important: Emotional Impact

One question authors often ask is: Do main characters need to change from beginning to end, or can they remain static throughout the story? Unless you are writing an antihero, it is good for your main character to experience some sort of transformation, as their growth arc is an essential puzzle piece that fosters reader engagement. People read stories to care and feel—change is messy and emotional, but usually very rewarding. So if your current protagonist isn't going through change, then maybe it's time to reconsider who you have chosen as your lead!

why is character important

A critical concept we teach is interiority, or the ability to understand a character's thoughts, emotions, and internal struggles. Elements of why is character important are often revealed through interiority. The most dynamic character usually has the most emotional scenes and turning points. When you choose this type of character as your protagonist, you will be infusing more emotion into your story. The scenes will become more meaningful. If your chosen protagonist has little emotional depth and doesn’t experience any changes of heart or self-awareness, are they best suited for the role? 

Another factor when choosing your main character is the novel’s theme. Every book has an underlying meaning that is expressed via the experiences of the character as they go through the plot. For example, if you want to write about loss, then perhaps a good protagonist is someone who is grieving. When thinking about the protagonist's journey and potential for emotion, consider how it fits in with the overarching narrative. If your story is about self-acceptance but the main character spends most of the story in denial, while their friend is supportive and emotionally exposed, then you’re maybe focusing on the wrong person to dig more deeply into. Why is character important? They are meant to express the fullest and most layered version of what your story is about.

Why is Character Important: Picture Book Main Characters

Why is character important in picture books? I had a conversation with a member of Good Story Learning this weekend who was having a tough time deciding on a children’s picture book protagonist. In addition to all the points mentioned above, I gave them the following advice:

Why is character important in picture book? Because kids want someone to align themselves with. That’s why they want to see a child protagonist, rather than an adult. The character must go through some kind of change and communicate your theme or moral to young readers in a realistic, age-appropriate, and empowering way (without preaching).

This member had one character in mind who could have effectively passed on the message (dealing with change), but there was another character who was actually changing themselves and putting the book theme into action. I suggested that the writer pick the latter character, since readers would be more likely to relate to someone going through similar life experiences, as opposed to hearing about them from someone passive.

To summarize, why is character important? Because characters are our guides to a story, and we experience it emotionally through their eyes. That’s why you need to choose the lens that conveys your story’s heart and soul with the most depth and care.

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