How True Does My Memoir Have To Be?
Many aspiring memoirists wonder: how true does my memoir have to be? It can be daunting to think about the holes in our memory, the times we disagree with others about what really happened, or the way time has altered our perception. No one wants to become the latest scandal for lying in a memoir!

Writing For The Reader: How To Know Who Your Memoir is For
What happens when you’ve written a memoir but find that your words aren’t resonating with readers the way you thought they would? And upon that realization, what do you do or change to bridge the gap?

Tips for Writing Theme
The act of writing theme is an important ingredient in storytelling, but it doesn’t have to resound with Meaning-with-a-capital-M. In fact, theme works best when it’s subtle and even open to interpretation. Here are three tips that’ll help you incorporate theme into your story.

40 GOOD IDEAS FOR BOOKS to Get You Inspired
Uncap those pens, pop open those PCs, and crack your knuckles. It’s time to dive into good ideas for books, and how to brainstorm. Good Story Company is here to help you stay inspired with our quirky list of good ideas for books.

Finding Comp Titles
Coming up with the dreaded comp titles for your query letter or elevator pitch doesn’t have to be a chore. Here’s why you need them and how to make looking for them (a little) more fun.

Retelling (3 Reasons to Reimagine)
Is it just me, or does it seem like retellings and reimagined stories are everywhere you look? Whether I’m on the Kindle page or surfing Netflix, it seems like everyone’s telling familiar tales in different ways. Here’s more about this trend and why it matters.

4 Helpful Tips For Writing Fresh Fantasy Picture Books
If you’re interested in writing a children’s picture book that uses fantasy elements to engage readers in a meaningful way, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we provide four tips on how to write original, highly engaging fantasy picture books that stand out!

Books That Teach Life Lessons
Books that teach life lessons are fine...as long as you don't clobber readers over the head with your theme. So how do you weave a message into your story without being too obvious?

Novel Setting: Where’s It Gonna Be?
Your novel has to be somewhere. It can be anywhere! But setting is not an arbitrary detail: it can make all the difference.

How To End A Novel
Your ending will make a lasting impression – one readers will carry with them after they put the book down. Here are some tips for writing an ending that will resonate with readers and get them excited for whatever you write next.

Creative Nonfiction
Nonfiction gets a bad rap for being dry and dull, but it doesn’t have to be. Many of the same liberties can be taken in creative nonfiction as in fiction. If you have something important to share with the world from your own life, this may be your category. Some literary flair can amp up your story and make it more approachable to your readers.

Nonfiction Children’s Books
Find your niche in the nonfiction children’s book market using these timely takeaways.

How To Be More Intentional With Chapter Structure
Chapter structure, like plot structure, is key to achieving a believable and engaging narrative. Here’s how to make sure your chapters are complete and doing as much work for you and your story as possible.