Literary Agent Cost
Get ready for some full transparency. How much an agent should be charging you, at what percentage, and when.

Query Letter Tips
Advice on query letters: personalization, comp titles, submission strategy, and more!

Query Smart
Query smart by making sure you’re targeting agents and editors who want what you’re writing.

Changing Literary Agents
One of the most difficult experiences for an author is changing literary agents. Sometimes, as much as many hate to admit it, seeking out new representation becomes necessary. If a relationship between an author and their agent isn’t productive, it can often be worse than having no agent at all.

So, you got a query rejection.
Query rejection hurts. You’re putting your shiny new novel out into the world, just for people to say “no, thank you.” Here are some of the best ways to deal with a query rejection.

Publishing Credits
If you're a non-fiction or memoir writer, here's essential advice on how to map out your path to a book deal.

Nonfiction Query Letter
A nonfiction query letter doesn't hit the same points as a fiction query letter. Here are three key elements to include in the query letter for your nonfiction project.

Elements of a Query Letter
One query letter sent to the right agent … and an offer of representation comes your way! Of course we writers stress about our queries. We’ve poured so much into our manuscripts, and we only get a few hundred words to pitch them! Let’s go over the elements of a query letter to improve your chances of getting that wonderful phone call one day.

Episode 19: Chuck Sambuchino, Freelance Editor and Publishing Expert
Insights from industry veteran Chuck Sambuchino on how to become a well-informed writer, build a platform, and get published.

Before You Hit “Submit”
Typing “the end,” either literally or figuratively, after spending many months on a project is worthy of celebration. The logical next step is querying. But before you begin to query, there are some critical steps to take.

Communicating with Literary Agents
Communicating with literary agents is an important part of the querying process. Here are some communication do's and don'ts that'll give you the best shot at receiving a response to your query.

Episode 27: Roz Morris, Ghostwriter and Writing Coach
Roz Morris and Mary dive into the mechanics of storytelling and discuss how to connect with your audience—whether you're writing someone else's story or you're telling your own.

Episode 22: Kelly Madrone, Award-Winning Writer and Ghostwriter
Ghostwriter Kelly Madrone joins us to talk about writing as someone else, modulating a professional potty mouth, and creating a story arc in memoir.

How to Deal With Negative Criticism
Many writers struggle with how to deal with negative criticism. Not all writing feedback you receive in your lifetime will be “constructive criticism”. Some of it may feel like straight-up criticism criticism, or worse, destructive criticism. Ouch! Here are some thoughts on bouncing back from a devastating writing critique, and what to do next.
When is a Manuscript Finished?
Tips on looking at your work with clarity so you can determine your personal "done," as well as what to do when you reach that finish line.

Episode 32: J.C. Geiger, YA Author & Mixtape Creator
Tune in for a chat with Mary Kole's long-time friend in the children's publishing space, YA Author J.C. Geiger. He tells all about how he made an epic mixtape with music no one's heard before (and met his heroes in the process), and talks about writing young adult characters, the future of post-pandemic fiction, and—of course—the power of music.

Finding Comp Titles
Coming up with the dreaded comp titles for your query letter or elevator pitch doesn’t have to be a chore. Here’s why you need them and how to make looking for them (a little) more fun.

Episode 12: John Cusick, Agent and Author
A conversation with John Cusick, literary agent and MG/YA author. We delve into writing for MG and YA readers, what agents are looking for, and breaking writing rules.

Manuscript Submission
You’re ready to take the next step, but manuscript submission can feel overwhelming. (Am I the only one who hadn’t heard anyone use the word ‘query’ in a hundred years before entering publishing?) Let’s take a zoomed-out look at what manuscript submission is and look at some resources that can help you with the process.
Writing An Authentic Memoir with Kelly Madrone
Award-winning writer and ghostwriter Kelly Madrone joins us to talk about writing as someone else, modulating a professional potty mouth, and how to create a nuanced story arc in memoir.