Healing Writer Burnout
Writer burnout is a cousin to writer’s block, with a few key differences. Both states leave you feeling like you should write, you need to write, but you just can’t. I’ll share five tips that’ll help you recover from writer burnout.

Tracking Your Submissions
If you spend some time getting organized before you query, it will make tracking your submissions more productive and (hopefully) less stressful.

3 Writing Practices To Make You A Better Memoir Writer
If you’re struggling to figure out how to write your memoir or can’t seem to find the right words, here are three writing practices to make you a better memoir writer and help your memories, reflections, and musings shine bright and clear.

I’m Writing a Novel. Why Should I Bother with an Outline?
To outline or not? Writing projects start with a spark—a character, a scene, a what-if moment. But what happens from there?

How True Does My Memoir Have To Be?
Many aspiring memoirists wonder: how true does my memoir have to be? It can be daunting to think about the holes in our memory, the times we disagree with others about what really happened, or the way time has altered our perception. No one wants to become the latest scandal for lying in a memoir!

How to Cure Writer's Block
Regardless of who I’m talking to—an audience of kid readers, or a group of teachers at a workshop, the most common question I receive is: how to cure writer’s block?

How Long Should a Book Be?
Writers have a love-hate relationship with word count. It’s one of the necessary evils we deal with to determine if a manuscript meets an acceptable published length. So how long should a book be? Here’s a guide to help you answer.

Writing Flashbacks
Writers are often cautioned away from flashbacks, but they can connect the dots between the past and who the characters are now. Read on for tips on writing flashbacks that function well.

Episode 40: Danielle Marietta, Creator of Books & Things Publishing
Danielle Marietta joins the podcast to discuss Books & Things Publishing, the children’s book sphere, and the importance of promoting diverse authors. Tune in to learn more about Danielle’s writing journey, and her tips on self-publishing, social media marketing, and connecting with your target audience.

How to Write a Rhyming Picture Book
When done well, rhyming picture books are snappy, quotable, and fun to read. Children retain the words more easily and begin to identify patterns and sounds: a real treat. The problem? Writing a good rhyming picture book is much trickier than it looks.

Journaling to Productive First Drafts
In a world where life constantly competes for our time, we don’t have the luxury of writing twelve to fifteen drafts of something before we can say it’s done. We need to work smarter, not longer. We need to write productive first drafts.

How to Create a Character Development Outline
You’ve probably written a plot outline for your story, but have you written a character development outline? Here are some tips for developing character arc so your character development is as tight as your plot.

Crafting Your Novel’s First Line
Your first line must grab the reader’s attention and make them not want to put your book down until they get to the last page. So, what makes a great first line? Here are some tips on how to make your novel’s first line zing!

Writing For The Reader: How To Know Who Your Memoir is For
What happens when you’ve written a memoir but find that your words aren’t resonating with readers the way you thought they would? And upon that realization, what do you do or change to bridge the gap?

How to Describe Emotion
We want our readers to connect emotionally to our characters and to feel their pains and struggles—but it can be tricky to know how to describe emotion to create that connection. Here are some effective ways to describe emotion.

List of Character Reactions
Reactions go beyond what a character’s body does in the moment. Check this list for ideas for digging your characters out of their physical clichés and moving your story forward.

Episode 39: Allison Speka, Self-Published Romance Author
Romance author Allison Speka joins the pod to discuss her journey into writing and self-publishing. She talks about her love for the romance genre and shares her experience with self-publishing, including tips on cover design, book marketing, and the value of learning from other indie authors.

How to Create Characters
So often, story ideas begin with characters. Writers have a picture in their mind of a character they’ve never met, and from there a new story is born. How do we create characters that resonate with readers, though? What needs to go into the mix?

Strategies to Incorporate Agent/Editor Feedback
Once the manuscript has been completed, submitted, and accepted, writers can feel like the bulk of their work is done. It would seem only small corrections should need to be made. Until the agent/editor feedback comes. Use these strategies to incorporate it for stronger work.

How to Write the Beginning of a Novel
The beginning of your story sets the foundation from which the plot will unfold. This foundation creates impact with the developments and conflicts that make up your narrative. If you need help with how to write the beginning of a novel, consider these three elements.