The Essentials of Book Advertising

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

As an author, you’ve likely invested countless hours in crafting a good story, but now you need to do book marketing, including book advertising, to get it out into the world. But with so many different book advertising options available, where do you even begin? With these book advertising tips for authors, you’ll have all the information you need to get started.

Create a Website or Blog for Book Advertising

The first step to marketing your book is creating an author website or blog where potential readers can go to learn more about your published work. Your website should be designed to provide visitors with everything they need in order to make an informed decision about whether or not they want to purchase your book. It should include a description of the book, reviews from other readers (or authors) who have read it, and an easy way for them to purchase it. Additionally, if your author website also includes a blog section, this will give readers a place to find additional content related to your book and will help keep them engaged with your work. (Only add a blog to your book promotion if you can keep up with posting on it regularly. An inactive blog or newsletter has the potential to do more harm than good.)

book advertising

Social Media Marketing

Using social media for writers is one of the most effective ways to reach potential readers and do book advertising. Not only can social media help spread the word about your work but it also provides an opportunity for direct engagement with those interested in reading it. You can use social media platforms for writers such as Twitter/X and Instagram for promotion by sharing links back to relevant pages on your website or blog. Additionally, consider setting up accounts on popular literary review sites such as Goodreads, which will allow readers who have read and enjoyed your book post reviews that others can see before deciding whether or not they want to purchase it themselves. If you haven’t already, claim your author profile everywhere you can.

Paying for Book Advertising

Another effective way for authors to practice book advertising is through Google Ads which allows your pay-per-click ads to appear when people search for keywords related to their books online. This is a great way of getting eyes on your book without having to spend too much money upfront as well as reaching potential readers who may not already be aware of its existence. Additionally, Google Ads allow you to reach your target audience, meaning you can set parameters based on viewer interests, making sure that each ad reaches its intended audience more effectively than traditional methods would allow.

Other platforms that can work well, if not better than Google Ads for book promotion include Meta Ads and Amazon Ads. Each has a specific workflow that you will need to learn. Remember to keep your book advertising activities alive—don’t set it and forget it, but keep looking at your numbers and optimizing your book marketing page on whichever platform you’re sending buyers to. If your conversions are low, dig into why that might be. Stay aware of what your ads are doing, instead of pouring money into campaigns that aren’t delivering an ROI (return on investment).

Book advertising can seem overwhelming at first but with these tips in mind you’ll be able to craft an effective strategy that will help get more eyes on your work than ever before! Remember that every method works differently so experiment and find what works best for you—don’t be afraid of trying something new. With these tips in hand, you’re ready to set out on the journey towards successful book advertising.

Customized Book Marketing Solutions

Marketing services for writers are essential if you’re looking to reach audiences and stand out on shelves. Whether you’re looking to build your platform ahead of publication or already have a book out, we can help with marketing strategy and even do the heavy lifting. Reach more readers, build an audience, and increase your visibility. Good Story Marketing plans and services can help you achieve your goals and tell your story to the world!