Free Book Promotion Sites

by Mary Kole | Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

Self-publishing a book can be a great way to share your story with readers and earn a higher royalty rate. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, such as having to take the reins for marketing and distributing your products. To help self-published authors promote their books, there are a number of free book promotion sites available.

What are Some Free Book Promotion Sites?

BookBub is one of the most popular free book promotion sites, offering Featured Deals on deeply discounted ebooks, as well as free ebooks, by category. It also sends emails promoting new releases. It’s important to note that authors do pay a fee to be featured in a BookBub deal. Bargain Booksy is a division of Written Word Media, and offers other promotional options, including free ebooks, new releases, books in Kindle Unlimited, and audiobooks. BookSends is another great option, with all nonfiction books lumped together in a single category, with tens of thousands of subscribers. The price of the promotion changes by the book’s sale price. All of these sites offer great opportunities for self-published authors to promote their books.

free book promotion sites

Other Free Book Promotion Sites

In addition to these free book promotion sites, self-published authors can also use social media and websites to their advantage. Posting occasional teasers or updates about your writing and publishing process on social media platforms is a great way to market your book without annoying your audience. You can also create a professional website to boost your online presence and join Facebook groups in your niche. Running a newsletter swap with collaborators who share your target audience can be another great free way to grow your readership, as long as you have some newsletter subscribers that you can swap.

Another great way to promote your book is to get reviews from Amazon. You can also send free copies to interested readers in exchange for unbiased reviews. Having reviews and a nice sales presence set up will help make any free book promotion sites you use more effective, as you will have social proof that readers are enjoying your work. Additionally, you can learn from the most popular books in your genre and write enticing book blurbs. There’s not just one book promotion strategy out there— book marketing is about leveraging multiple approaches and seeing what works.

By taking advantage of these free book promotion sites, self-published authors can increase their visibility and reach more readers. With the right strategies, they can also build up a following and a lucrative writing career.

Customized Book Marketing Solutions

Marketing services for writers are essential if you’re looking to reach audiences and stand out on shelves. Whether you’re looking to build your platform ahead of publication or already have a book out, we can help with marketing strategy and even do the heavy lifting. Reach more readers, build an audience, and increase your visibility. Good Story Marketing plans and services can help you achieve your goals and tell your story to the world!