Unconventional Writing
Publishing loves its buckets. In children's books, there are several buckets that you need to fit into, with word count guidelines and all of that. There are buckets and tropes in adult publishing as well. Books that don't lend themselves easily to categorization can be a really difficult sell.
Books That Sell
This is a conversation for a little bit more of an advanced writer. I'm going to talk about the components of what goes into a book that is likely to sell, is likely to attract agents, publishers, eventually readers, right, which is what we want.
The Case for Re-Reading
“To me, re-reading my favorite books is like spending time with my best friends. I’d never be satisfied to limit myself to just one experience each with my favorite people.”
― C S Lewis
Finding Another Literary Agent
Thinking about finding another literary agent? Here are some tips to help smooth the transition.
Offer of Representation
You have an offer of representation from a literary agent--now what? Here are some crucial questions to ask before you sign on the dotted line.
What Type of Online Presence Do You Need?
What’s the right way to have an online presence? Both before getting a book deal and after, this is a common question for writers. After all, we often hear that it is essential to get your name, your face, your everything out there in order to make potential readers aware of you.
Writing for an Audience
If you want to pursue traditional publication, you need to think about writing for an audience. Here are some thoughts on work that's billed as "completely unprecedented"; following writing trends; and writing for "everyone from 0 to 99."
Getting a Book Published
There are so many paths to publishing--what's the best fit for your project and career goals?
Realistic Fiction in Today’s Market
Scanning the NYT bestseller list, you’ll see a multitude of realistic fiction books. Realistic fiction deals with life as it is now and modern problems that its protagonists may face. But what happens when reality, the very thing that gives realistic fiction its name, has inevitably changed?