Episode 45: John Matthew Fox, Writer & Founder of Bookfox
Mary Kole is joined by writing expert John Matthew Fox to chat about his work helping authors and founding his company, Bookfox. Conversation topics include the different publishing paths available to writers, the benefits and drawbacks of traditional vs. self-publishing, the challenges of effectively marketing one's work, and going beyond commercial success.

Presenting the Premise
A series of things happening doesn’t make a story. Without a clear premise, readers have no idea what to expect from the story or why they should keep reading. Here's how to establish your premise from the start.

Episode 42: Jenn Hanson-dePaula, Book Marketing Consultant
How do new authors find their ideal readers? Jenn Hanson-dePaula guides you through the steps of elevating your book promo! Tune in to hear her take on what marketing is and isn’t, tips for building your social media platform (including valuable advice on what to post), and why you should have a newsletter.

10 Author Websites and Why They Work
Author websites are one of the most powerful marketing tools at a writer’s disposal. But what makes a good, even great one? Let’s take a close look at some author websites that work to see exactly why they work so well, and what you can do to make your own author website work just as effectively.

Episode 13: Wendelin Van Draanen, MG and YA Author
An uplifting conversation with author Wendelin Van Draanen, where we discuss the therapeutic nature of writing and the silver lining in a difficult path to publication.

Writing Under a Pseudonym
Many authors write under a pseudonym, also known as a pen name. If you think writing under an alias is in your future, here are some criteria to help you decide. I’ve also got some tips on how best to come up with one.

Episode 11: Erin Entrada Kelly, Middle Grade Author
An interview with middle grade author and Newbery medalist Erin Entrada Kelly, where we discuss writing outside your lived experience.

Marketing Your Book With Emily Enger
Book Marketer and PR Coach Emily Enger joins Mary to talk about some of the aspects of the writing process that might leave a yucky taste in our mouths. Tune in for actionable tips and insights into a publicist and marketer's side of the publishing world.

Episode 10: Brittany Thurman, Picture Book Author
Debut picture book author Brittany Thurman discusses writing about complex issues for a young audience, bias in the publishing industry, and supporting Black writers.

Lead Magnet for Unpublished Writer
What's a lead magnet, and how can it help you establish your career as an author? Get valuable insights on creating an effective lead magnet, building your email marketing list and engaging potential readers.

Episode 5: Jake Burt, Middle Grade Author
A podcast interview with middle grade author Jake Burt, all about writing diversity from a place of privilege.

Marketing To Libraries
If you’ve written a book, you’re probably considering marketing to libraries—especially if you’re a self-published author. As such, you’re the direct link between your work and the rest of the world—no fancy marketing departments to help you out.
So how do you approach marketing to libraries?

Episode 30: Benjamin Roesch, YA/MG Author
Benjamin Roesch joins us to talk about his debut novel—but not his first novel—published with LGBTQ+ young adult indie publisher Deep Hearts. We talk about turning short stories into a novel, coming of age fiction, and being an older debut writer.

Episode 33: Sara Zarr, YA & Middle Grade Author
Sara Zarr brings insight and personal experiences to surviving the sudden and drastic changes within the YA marketplace, such as the popularization of certain YA genres and how that affects YA authors who specialize outside of those genres.

Episode 25: Leslie C. Youngblood, Author
Leslie C. Youngblood shares her journey through her MFA program, gives tips on crafting interesting character relationships, and weighs in on one of the hottest questions for authors today: traditional or self-publishing?

Episode 24: Mindy McGinnis, YA Author
Mindy McGinnis, mystery, suspense, thriller author and dog haver, joins the Good Story Podcast to talk about her upcoming work with James Patterson, shit-shoveling, book snobbery, and showing characters' humanity.

Episode 18: Patricia Faithfull and Rick Williams, Aspiring Writers
A conversation about "The Emotion Thesaurus" as well as writing tools in general and whether human input can ever be replaced by tools.

Episode 20: Rachel Orr, YA and Children's Literary Agent
Decades-long agent, Rachel Orr, talks about real life clients as she shares what agents and editors are looking for, what to include in your query letter, and how to challenge the status quo.

Episode 23: Jonathan Auxier, Writer of Strange Stories for Strange Kids
NYT Bestselling young adult and middle-grade author Jonathan Auxier joins Mary Kole to discuss visual writing, worldbuilding, and how different media use dialogue to create action.

Episode 19: Chuck Sambuchino, Freelance Editor and Publishing Expert
Insights from industry veteran Chuck Sambuchino on how to become a well-informed writer, build a platform, and get published.