Episode 18: Patricia Faithfull and Rick Williams, Aspiring Writers
A conversation about "The Emotion Thesaurus" as well as writing tools in general and whether human input can ever be replaced by tools.

Episode 20: Rachel Orr, YA and Children's Literary Agent
Decades-long agent, Rachel Orr, talks about real life clients as she shares what agents and editors are looking for, what to include in your query letter, and how to challenge the status quo.

Who Is My Target Audience?
Thinking about a “target audience” can sound cold and impersonal, especially for writers who are pouring their hearts into a manuscript. After all, it’s not like we’re lining readers up, eyeing the red circles painted on their torsos, and lobbing our books at them. Or are we?

Books to Read: A Fresh TBR with Good Story Book Club
If you’re a book nerd like us, you’re always on the lookout for books to read. Doesn’t matter that the TBR stack is out of control. To stay up to date on fresh new reads, we invite you to join our Good Story Book Club!

Episode 23: Jonathan Auxier, Writer of Strange Stories for Strange Kids
NYT Bestselling young adult and middle-grade author Jonathan Auxier joins Mary Kole to discuss visual writing, worldbuilding, and how different media use dialogue to create action.

Episode 9: Kilby Blades, Romance Author
A conversation with Kilby Blades (author of romance novels such as The Gilded Love series) about self-publishing, writing diverse, feminist characters, and changes the traditional publishing industry needs to make in order to be an inclusive space for writers of color.

Episode 19: Chuck Sambuchino, Freelance Editor and Publishing Expert
Insights from industry veteran Chuck Sambuchino on how to become a well-informed writer, build a platform, and get published.

Episode 16: Laura Sebastian, YA Fantasy Author
A conversation with YA fantasy author Laura Sebastian (ASH PRINCESS, out now from Delacorte) all about worldbuilding.

Episode 27: Roz Morris, Ghostwriter and Writing Coach
Roz Morris and Mary dive into the mechanics of storytelling and discuss how to connect with your audience—whether you're writing someone else's story or you're telling your own.

Episode 22: Kelly Madrone, Award-Winning Writer and Ghostwriter
Ghostwriter Kelly Madrone joins us to talk about writing as someone else, modulating a professional potty mouth, and creating a story arc in memoir.

Writing for a Living
Many aspiring writers hope to quit their day jobs so they can pursue writing for a living, but is this a realistic goal? Here's an overview of what to expect if you want to pay the bills with your writing.

Episode 14: Rebecca Coffindaffer, Science Fiction/Fantasy Author
A conversation with debut YA author Rebecca Coffindaffer (CROWNCHASERS, out now from HarperTeen) all about worldbuilding.

Episode 31: Lisa Stringfellow, Middle-Grade Fantasy Author
Lisa Stringfellow discusses her debut novel set in the Caribbean, “A Comb of Wishes.” She talks through her long journey from draft to finished book—plus plans for Book 2—and shares craft and industry tips she’s learned along the way.

What Is a Sensitivity Reader?
There is a lot of controversy in the writing world about sensitivity readers, so what is a sensitivity reader? What does a sensitivity reader do? Learn more about this specializing writing and editing role here.
Magic, Mythology & Monsters with Lisa Stringfellow
Lisa Stringfellow, award-winning author and middle school teacher, discusses her debut novel about mermaids and mythology set in the Caribbean, “A Comb of Wishes.” She talks through her long journey from draft to finished book—plus plans for Book 2—and shares craft and industry tips she’s learned along the way.

Finding Comp Titles
Coming up with the dreaded comp titles for your query letter or elevator pitch doesn’t have to be a chore. Here’s why you need them and how to make looking for them (a little) more fun.

Retelling (3 Reasons to Reimagine)
Is it just me, or does it seem like retellings and reimagined stories are everywhere you look? Whether I’m on the Kindle page or surfing Netflix, it seems like everyone’s telling familiar tales in different ways. Here’s more about this trend and why it matters.

Episode 12: John Cusick, Agent and Author
A conversation with John Cusick, literary agent and MG/YA author. We delve into writing for MG and YA readers, what agents are looking for, and breaking writing rules.

Episode 2: Ryan Van Cleave, Nonfiction Writer and Writing Teacher
A podcast all about nonfiction book proposals, nonfiction article pitching, and strategically growing your writing career, including a ton of tips for that ever-intimidating concept of marketing yourself and your writing.