Episode 32: J.C. Geiger, YA Author & Mixtape Creator
Tune in for a chat with Mary Kole's long-time friend in the children's publishing space, YA Author J.C. Geiger. He tells all about how he made an epic mixtape with music no one's heard before (and met his heroes in the process), and talks about writing young adult characters, the future of post-pandemic fiction, and—of course—the power of music.
The Writing Journey with Leslie C. Youngblood
Author and former assistant professor of creative writing Leslie C. Youngblood joins Mary Kole on the Good Story Podcast. She shares her journey through her MFA program, gives tips on crafting interesting character relationships, and weighs in on one of the hottest questions for authors today: traditional or self-publishing?

Episode 21: Gabriela Pereira, founder of DIY MFA
Gabriela Pereira discusses her journey to founding DIY MFA, the do-it-yourself alternative to a Masters degree in writing, while living with bipolar disorder. She shares tips about unconventional learning styles, finding a writing community in your backyard, and using storytelling to effectively market your work.

Episode 12: John Cusick, Agent and Author
A conversation with John Cusick, literary agent and MG/YA author. We delve into writing for MG and YA readers, what agents are looking for, and breaking writing rules.

Episode 2: Ryan Van Cleave, Nonfiction Writer and Writing Teacher
A podcast all about nonfiction book proposals, nonfiction article pitching, and strategically growing your writing career, including a ton of tips for that ever-intimidating concept of marketing yourself and your writing.

Self Publishing in Five Easy Steps
Turns out, there’s more to self publishing than just putting your book out there and seeing what happens. Ideally, you’ll have other people’s help as well. Here, we’ll run through the basics of self publishing in five steps.

Episode 8: Jeff Lyons, Writing Teacher
Writing teachers Jeff Lyons and Mary Kole in conversation about craft, from the big picture to the nitty gritty.

Episode 1: Chris Baty, Founder of NaNoWriMo
An interview with NaNoWriMo founder and writing teacher Chris Baty, where we discuss plot, pantsing, not nipping good ideas in the bud, celebrating a hot pile of garbage, and the cult of busyness.

Getting Started with Social Media for Writers
Have you started on your writing journey and want to know how to handle the dreaded social media options? Think of social media as a way to connect to others in the writing community. While there are many platforms to consider, it’s important to pick and choose what you like and enjoy. Here’s a checklist to help you get started.
Writing An Authentic Memoir with Kelly Madrone
Award-winning writer and ghostwriter Kelly Madrone joins us to talk about writing as someone else, modulating a professional potty mouth, and how to create a nuanced story arc in memoir.

Publishing Advances
Publishers can pay people. The upsetting thing is who they choose to pay, how they choose to pay them, and whatever calculus they've used to arrive at those decisions doesn't seem equal. This is going to be a hard ongoing conversation, but a necessary one.

Podcast Episode 29: Leslie "LAM" Miller, CEO of Girl Friday Productions
CEO of independent publisher Girl Friday Productions Leslie Miller talks all things publishing, marketing, and building your platform as an author. She discusses the differences between traditional publishing, self-publishing, indie publishing, and hybrid publishing, and how to know which option is right for your project.

Episode 15: Cidney Swanson, Good Story Grant Recipient
A conversation with Cidney Swanson, sci-fi author and recipient of the 2020 Good Story Grant.

How Do Bad Books Get Published?
How do so many bad books get published? Today, we'll be discussing this question, one that a lot of writers shout at the top of their lungs when they get yet another rejection.

DIY Author Marketing 101
You’re published. Now what? However you got your book out into the world, you’re probably looking for more readers. Here are some DIY tips for author marketing.

Episode 28: Ronald L. Smith, Children’s Book Author
Award-winning children’s book writer Ronald L. Smith joins the Good Story Podcast. We talk about writing dark and unconventional stories for middle grade, his writing routine, and marketing yourself as an author. And, of course, he tells all about what it’s like to write in collaboration with Marvel.

Episode 6: Gail Carson Levine, Historical and Fantasy Author
Historical and fantasy author Gail Carson Levine interviews with Mary Kole. She shares thoughts on the writing process, world-building, and her latest book, A Ceiling Made of Eggshells.

Episode 4: Laura Elliott, Ghostwriter
A podcast interview with ghostwriter Laura Elliott, all about deep research, finding inspiration from various sources, and telling stories … even other people’s.

Posting Writing Online
Should you post your writing online to attract attention? What are the risks and benefits? Learn all about posting writing online with this video.

Episode 26: Tami Charles, Children’s Book Author
New York Times Bestselling children's book author Tami Charles joins the Good Story Podcast to talk about experimenting with verse, amplifying the stories of girls of color, and writing what you feel.