Episode 35: Gretchen McNeil, YA Horror/Suspense Novelist

Episode 35: Gretchen McNeil, YA Horror/Suspense Novelist

Dark YA novelist Gretchen McNeil joins Mary in an episode all about recognizing and executing a good story idea. They discuss the shifting young adult book market and embracing diversity, mastering storytelling structure and the importance of shaping the reader's experience, and the controversial subject of IP development.

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Marketing To Libraries

Marketing To Libraries

If you’ve written a book, you’re probably considering marketing to libraries—especially if you’re a self-published author. As such, you’re the direct link between your work and the rest of the world—no fancy marketing departments to help you out.

So how do you approach marketing to libraries?

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Episode 30: Benjamin Roesch, YA/MG Author

Episode 30: Benjamin Roesch, YA/MG Author

Benjamin Roesch joins us to talk about his debut novel—but not his first novel—published with LGBTQ+ young adult indie publisher Deep Hearts. We talk about turning short stories into a novel, coming of age fiction, and being an older debut writer.

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Episode 33: Sara Zarr, YA & Middle Grade Author

Episode 33: Sara Zarr, YA & Middle Grade Author

Sara Zarr brings insight and personal experiences to surviving the sudden and drastic changes within the YA marketplace, such as the popularization of certain YA genres and how that affects YA authors who specialize outside of those genres.

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Episode 25: Leslie C. Youngblood, Author

Episode 25: Leslie C. Youngblood, Author

Leslie C. Youngblood shares her journey through her MFA program, gives tips on crafting interesting character relationships, and weighs in on one of the hottest questions for authors today: traditional or self-publishing?

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The Young Adult Fiction Market with Sara Zarr

The Young Adult Fiction Market with Sara Zarr

Join Mary Kole and Sara Zarr as they talk about the complex realities surrounding publishing and becoming a career author within a rapidly shifting YA and Middle Grade marketplace. Sara Zarr brings insight and personal experiences to surviving the sudden and drastic changes within the YA marketplace.

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Episode 24: Mindy McGinnis, YA Author

Episode 24: Mindy McGinnis, YA Author

Mindy McGinnis, mystery, suspense, thriller author and dog haver, joins the Good Story Podcast to talk about her upcoming work with James Patterson, shit-shoveling, book snobbery, and showing characters' humanity.

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How to Write a Novel Synopsis

How to Write a Novel Synopsis

One of the most difficult parts of submitting a manuscript or query to an agent or publisher is figuring out how to write a novel synopsis. That task is different every time and for every book. Just like the task of writing each book is different and calls upon different skills, crafting a synopsis for each manuscript is different, as well.

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Episode 20: Rachel Orr, YA and Children's Literary Agent
Episode 23: Jonathan Auxier, Writer of Strange Stories for Strange Kids
Episode 9: Kilby Blades, Romance Author

Episode 9: Kilby Blades, Romance Author

A conversation with Kilby Blades (author of romance novels such as The Gilded Love series) about self-publishing, writing diverse, feminist characters, and changes the traditional publishing industry needs to make in order to be an inclusive space for writers of color.

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Episode 19: Chuck Sambuchino, Freelance Editor and Publishing Expert
Communicating with Literary Agents
Growing From Aspiring Writer to Published Author with Rebecca Ansari

Growing From Aspiring Writer to Published Author with Rebecca Ansari

Debut middle grade author Rebecca Ansari chats with Mary about the journey from aspiring writer to published author, MG craft insights, and what new things she has in the works!

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Writing for a Living

Writing for a Living

Many aspiring writers hope to quit their day jobs so they can pursue writing for a living, but is this a realistic goal? Here's an overview of what to expect if you want to pay the bills with your writing.

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