Writing Young Adult Characters
Young adult characters are incredibly dynamic. Their worlds are bigger, larger than life. There's always something behind any big feelings in middle grade and young adult that fosters a relationship between the character and the audience. And that is super crucial in the young adult genre.

How to Be a Good Critique Partner
Tips for how to be a good critique partner and how to contribute to your writing community. Learn how to give writing critique here.

A Million Bad Words
In order to write, you have to WRITE! Spending time learning theory, taking classes, and reading books are beneficial, but ultimately it is practice that will make you a better writer. Learn how a million bad words can turn into a good story.

Make Writing Resolutions That Stick
Winter is the perfect season to establish your writing resolutions and form the habits that will lead to better productivity. There is so much you could accomplish in the year ahead! Read on for tips on how to develop—and crush!—your writing resolutions.

How to Deal With Negative Criticism
Many writers struggle with how to deal with negative criticism. Not all writing feedback you receive in your lifetime will be “constructive criticism”. Some of it may feel like straight-up criticism criticism, or worse, destructive criticism. Ouch! Here are some thoughts on bouncing back from a devastating writing critique, and what to do next.

Writing Descriptions
Dust motes swirling in the gloom are enchanting, but do you really need to describe them in detail? Let’s look at some guidelines for writing descriptions so you can quench your thirst for gorgeous imagery without sacrificing the pacing of your story.

Episode 32: J.C. Geiger, YA Author & Mixtape Creator
Tune in for a chat with Mary Kole's long-time friend in the children's publishing space, YA Author J.C. Geiger. He tells all about how he made an epic mixtape with music no one's heard before (and met his heroes in the process), and talks about writing young adult characters, the future of post-pandemic fiction, and—of course—the power of music.

What Is a Sensitivity Reader?
There is a lot of controversy in the writing world about sensitivity readers, so what is a sensitivity reader? What does a sensitivity reader do? Learn more about this specializing writing and editing role here.

More Than Words: Avoid Clichés
As writers, we know we should try to avoid clichés and stereotypes. But you might not think of unique imagery as you’re writing your first draft, so you drop in a cliché as a placeholder. When revisiting a manuscript to self-edit, though, many writers often overlook the cliché that’s right in front of them: the clichéd image.

Writing the Protagonist and Antagonist
One question many writers have when they begin work on a novel is how to write a compelling protagonist and antagonist. These are vital roles to function well in a manuscript. How do we make sure they leap off the page?

Setting Writing Critique Expectations
Setting writing critique expectations is important, especially when a writer starts out getting writing feedback. A lot of writers are in a good headspace when they approach critique. Nervous, maybe. Vulnerable, of course. But eager to learn and give back to a fellow writer.

Building Fantasy Worlds with Jonathan Auxier
NYT Bestselling young adult and middle-grade author Jonathan Auxier joins Mary Kole to discuss visual writing, worldbuilding, and how different media use dialogue to create action.

The End of Camp NaNoWriMo: What to Do with Your Complete Manuscript
Now that you have a complete manuscript, you have some exciting decisions to make about what you want to do next. Whether Camp NaNoWriMo was a fun personal project or your first step on the path to publication, now is a great time to use your momentum to take your writing to new heights.

Do I Need a Series Arc?
Should you be writing a standalone or a series arc? Let’s talk about some series perks.

How to Start Your Novel
If you’re wondering how to start your novel, your job is to hook the reader from page one. But how? In this post, editor Kristen Overman shares some tips on how to write an engaging novel opening, including how to start your novel with scene.

Episode 6: Gail Carson Levine, Historical and Fantasy Author
Historical and fantasy author Gail Carson Levine interviews with Mary Kole. She shares thoughts on the writing process, world-building, and her latest book, A Ceiling Made of Eggshells.

Episode 17: Anna Staniszewski, Children's Author
On this month's episode, children's author Anna Staniszewski chats about her path to publication, writing for different age groups, and what it takes to make it as a full-time author.

The Importance of a Nuanced Character Arc
Few of us change overnight. We might wake up one morning and realize we’ve changed, but when we look back we can see it was the result of a million little things, day after day, that brought us to our current state. How do we build a character arc like this—showing gradual, compelling, believable change?

Reaction into Action: How to Turn Negative Feedback Around
Negative feedback can be confusing and hard to hear. Turn what feels like “no” into a mission to “go”!

Writing Critique
You can become a better writer by giving and receiving actionable advice. Here’s how.